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Please see our funding information for families to find out if they can access funding for their children's sessions. 

Other paid sessions are also available, please contact the nursery to discuss your requirements. 

How to apply for funding

Please visit to find out if your child is eligible for early years entitlement funding.  

This link also provides information about the 2-year-old disadvantaged fudning. 

9-month-old to 4-year old funding

Children of working families can access up to 30 hours a week funding from September 2025. 

All funding codes that are eligible can be accessed the term AFTER the child turns the eligible age. 

How we offer funded sessions

Tingers offers funding sessions between the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm. 

Depending on how families choose to access their funding, will depend on the hours that Tingers offer. For example, if you choose to access all year round, children who access 12 hours, would be offered 9.00am to 3.00pm, two days a week. 

Families can choose to pay for additional hours and services, detailed below. 

Optional extras for funded children

​7.30-8.30 Early drop off 1 – (includes breakfast)                      £13.00

7.30-9.00 Early drop off 2 – (includes breakfast)                      £15.00

4.00-5.40 Late collection - (includes tea)                                  £15.00

1 hour of additional childcare if required                                 £12.00

Two course home-cooked lunch – (starter and main meal)    £7.00

Each snack (Served at 10am and 2pm)                                     £1.00 


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